Friday, 3 July 2009

Weekly Newsletter

The first week at Camp Mazal started off with a bang just like the bowling balls made when they hit those pins. We had lots of fun bowling on our first day. Our first Arts&Crafts of the summer was our Camp Mazal visors. On Tuesday we made yummy chocolate muffins covered in sprinkles and we learnt how to play soccer in the park. Tuesday was also our first day of swimming lessons at the Civic Center and we did love it. The third day at Camp Mazal was trip day and, boy, did we have fun leaning about and playing with water. We walked on water and learned all about the natural disasters that are coming about because of global warming. Thursday was public worker day. We learned all about firemen and fire safety to prepare us for our trip to the firehouse on Monday. We also had a bean hunt and a wheelbarrow race. Friday came and no one could believe that the first week at Camp Mazal had flown by so fast. We made challah and learned all about this week's parsha which was Chukas-Balak. And, in middle of all that raining we managed to have water fun and everyone came in their funny hats. It was an amazing week at Camp Mazal.
Can't wait to see you having even more fun next week!!
Love your counselors,
Rivka Chana

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