Friday, 8 July 2011

Camp Mazal Weekly Newsletter - Week 2

Our second week at Camp Mazal was EXTRAORDINARY!!! On Monday we had an amazing time mini-golfing! Even though it was hot out, it was still a ball!! When we got back, we made yummy apple crisps and had a blast on the water slides. On Tuesday we made beautiful chairs for our camp long art project of making a Shabbat table. We also went to a new park with lots of different monkey bars to hang from. On Wednesday we had so much fun and learning all about safety taking the bus and metro to 1000 de la Gauchetiere for skating. It was INCREDIBLE!!! Thursday we started our day with swimming lessons and when we got back we did some really relaxing exercise with our towels. The older kids made little clay versions of ourselves for our Shabbat table and the younger ones made a meal out of playdough. Friday we learnt some new songs and all about Parshat Balak. We made some delicious cookies for shabbos, had a wonderful Shabbat party and went to cheer up the people in the old age home. It was an AWESOME week!!!

Love your counselors: Rivkah, Sarah and Devorah

This week’s camper of the week is Eyal!!!

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