Friday, 16 July 2010

Weekly Newsletter - Week 3

Week three passed by in a wonderful blur!!
On Monday, we went to the EcoMuseum where we got to see many animals including eagles, raccoons, porcupines, deer, bears and many more. Back at camp, we baked our very own salted and sweet yummy pretzels. You bet I’m gonna make some more at home.
On Tuesday, we decorated mirrors. The mirrors remind us to love our friends just like what we see in the mirrors – ourselves. We also had fun playing kickball, this week’s sport.
Wednesday was a fun filled day at the Old Port. We had a blast PedalBoating, wore our muscles out at Quadricycling and climbed 192 stairs all the way up the clock tower. I think I saw my house from up there, did you?
After our refreshing swimming lessons on Thursday, we decorated cute Tzedakah boxes that we’ll keep in our rooms and give a penny each day. We had real fun races in the park and a scavenger hunt.
On Friday, we ended our week at camp with Challah baking, acting out the Parsha – I think we have a future in theater – and a grand Shabbat party. We also couldn’t wait to see our friends again at the old peoples home and wish them a great Shabbat Shalom!
What a great week we had! Can’t wait to see you again next week!
Love your counselors,
Mushky, Ariane & Amanda

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