Friday, 25 July 2008

Weekly Newsletter

Another incredible week at Camp Mazal!!!! On Monday, we visited a windmill museum. We were taught how the miller would prepare the wheat kernels and pass them through the windmill to prepare flour. This week’s Holiday being Purim, we began working on our week long project of making Purim masks! Just like the miracle of Purim was of a hidden nature, so do we celebrate this Holiday by disguising ourselves. On Tuesday, we had COLOR WAR!!!! All Campers were divided into two teams that had to create their own cheers and compete against each other. Both the Red team and Purple team had so much fun racing and cheering, quizzes and singing!!! By the end of Wednesday, we all became professional ice skaters and on Thursday, had a blast popping balloons and going on a bead hunt. We laced our very own necklaces and bracelets out of beads in the shape of fruits, to match with our bracha of the week: HaEitz. We learned that all fruit growing from a perennial tree (a long lasting tree) are considered HaEitz. Finally, we ended our week on an upside down, turn around event: we got dressed up Topsy-Turvy!!!!

Good Shabbos to you all from your dear counselors
Chana Raizel
Rivka Chana and

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